Welcome to Starfish
For anyone who works or lives with young people and wants to help them improve their mental wellbeingMental Health Training in Education
Just like physical health, we all have mental health and sometimes we are in good shape and sometimes we are not. We cannot always control all the things that make this happen but we can always try to improve how we are feeling and the learn about new ways to improve our mental health or get professional support when we need it.
I know from my work as a headteacher and as a parent, that we need a big nationwide conversation about mental health knowledge and understanding so that we can break down the stigma, and sometimes fear, that stops us from being able to tackle some of the problems that we see our young people facing every day.
This website provides information about the work I am doing to improve mental wellbeing for young people.
Bespoke Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid
This certificated course equips anyone who works or lives with young people.
Workshops & Talks
These are bespoke to suit the needs of the group and are for 8 participants upwards.
I am happy to work in a coaching or consulting style with anyone who has responsibility for young people.
I am happy to share my experience and what I’ve learnt about the importance of mental wellbeing.
Hope in bereavement
There is always light it’s just sometimes around the corner or behind a cloud so we can’t see it for a while.
MHFA Accredited Trainer
Pat works independently and with other MHFA England accredited trainers to ensure that every event is tailored to the needs and context of the client.
On a mission to make a difference in mental health and wellbeing, Pat is always happy to hear from people who want to work with her to make this happen and is always open to discussing new ideas.
‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world’ – Gandhi